We declare that Spring is here!

We are loving the Spring sunshine after the long wet winter!

Spring colour has arrived in the shop.  Our faux flowers in pastels and green gladden our hearts with their pretty blooms and foliage.  Tulips, peonies and blossom all look gorgeous – and will bring a splash of colour to your home .

A local artist has produced some strictly non-fattening Easter eggs for Something Different.  Using hand-blown eggs she has created unique and intricately beautiful designs using age-old methods of decoration.   See a picture of the artist’s work under our “Seasonal” banner on their website.  Truly egg-septional!

Finally, with the promise of summer days just around the corner we are also dreaming of outdoor living.  We have beautiful garden lanterns, acrylic glasses, water bottles and jugs ready for those heady warm days.   We can’t wait!